We had Native Americans, Franciscans, Catholic Workers, Muslims, Jews, and others join both in person as well as virtually. Rose Powhatan from the Pamunkey Tribe and the Powhatan Museum attended in person and gave a land acknowledgement. Sara Wolcott discussed the Doctrine of Discovery, the papal document that allowed for colonization of the Americas. Chef Nephi Craig discussed the importance of decolonizing our foodways and diets from a Native American perspective, and then Denisa Livingston from Diné Community Advocacy Alliance discussed the importance of solidarity with Indigenous peoples, and the Native American Seed Protection Act. Chloe Noel from Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns discussed Pope Francis’ efforts to protect the Amazon through REPAM as well as the FOREST Act. We listened to a Thanksgiving Address from the Haudenosaunee and then those of us in person shared a meal together. Recipes were from: Ramona Farms (Wheat Berry, Beet and Pecan Salad with Pomegranate-Orange Vinaigrette), Intertribal Agriculture Council (Acorn Squash and wild rice stuffing), JustFaith Ministries Sacred Land: Food and Farming program (Three Sisters Stew), Sakari Farms (teas), and Recipes from Turtle Island Cookbook (Sun Cookies).